2018: In Pictures


May is a little different. I've uploaded all of these in one go since I didn't want to promise to complete a challenge and fail. This month I joined Gemma Swan in taking on a themed month of photos. Here's the rules: May

This is also the first month I'm using a timestamp app to make things a little easier.

31 May 2018: Temptation
On payday I'll happily give in.

30 May 2018: Silhouette
Some bushes against a background of unknown random lighting.

29 May 2018: People
Doing something everyone hates - waiting for a bus. Annoyingly, I was dog sitting today, but I don't think I could count Chilli as a person.

28 May 2018: Make
I helped Sam make up the rules and the pots for the Grey Horse sweepstake.

27 May 2018: Garden
My favourite kind. A beer garden! This is the newly refurbished Travellers Rest on a beautiful sunny day.

26 May 2018: Macro
I took some horrendous "maybe" photos for this one but it all came down to the leafy bit of a humble strawberry.

25 May 2018: Oops
I was still out with Debs, Kieran and Sophie in the early hours. Oops!

24 May 2018: A Really Great Day
It's a long time since my last work night out so I thoroughly enjoyed pizzas and wine in the office followed by bowling at Lane 7.

23 May 2018: Pet
Roy's dog, Oscar. He's lovely!

22 May 2018: Creative
It seems the work on the old Odeon site is never ending. They're now building an area made up of shipping containers, which seems pretty creative to me.

21 May 2018: A Good Read
This book is outstanding. According to the Kindle app I spent 25 hours of my life reading it and every second was worthwhile.

20 May 2018: In My Kitchen
I make a lot of pasta, so this is a pretty typical day.

19 May 2018: Breathtaking
After a tour of the Victoria Tunnel (highly recommended!) we wandered to the Free Trade to enjoy one of the most glorious views in the city.

18 May 2018: Doors & Windows
The buildings in Newcastle fascinate me. This isn't even anything exciting, but it certainly shows lots of windows.

17 May 2018: Kind
Hollie is kind because she helps her customers out with evading their partners!

16 May 2018: Speed
This stretch was about the quickest the bus managed today.

15 May 2018: I Wish...
... that therapy wasn't necessary, but it's helping.

14 May 2018: Late
Pretty late at night but this is Michael celebrating rescuing a hedgehog that had a crisp packet stuck on its head.

13 May 2018: Family
We're a small family (in our house) but here's a high 5 from us!

12 May 2018: Shape
The can is round, but I love the shape of the ringpull.

11 May 2018: Clean
Can't beat a good handwash.

10 May 2018: Throwback
A classic Newcastle top. This belonged to Stu, who passed away in December, but I couldn't possibly see it go to waste.

9 May 2018: Looking Down
A view I've encountered many times - the stepbridge at Forest Hall.

8 May 2018: I Enjoy...
... wearing odd socks.

7 May 2018: Small
Solskjaer was the keyring for our shed key when we moved in. We've now lost the shed key but somehow he's still around.

6 May 2018: Something Yellow
A bit of hazardous looking tape at the Benton Ale House. We were at Harley's naming ceremony.

5 May 2018: Earth
This is what we walk around on.

4 May 2018: What I See
Ali's pub was planning a superhero/princess party for kids so I helped her cut out masks and tiaras.

3 May 2018: On My Plate
I didn't really cook much today, but crisps are always a treat, and clearly I was being civilised by putting them on a plate.

2 May 2018: Colour
A throwback to the other month when I started making wooden models and painting them... a fad that didn't last long, but I'm sure I'll find another use for these.

1 May 2018: Something Good
This box set is one of my favourites. I've watched these films so many times and always love them.