2024: In Pictures


30 June 2024: Turning
Thankfully there was plenty space for this farm vehicle to turn into the road.

29 June 2024: Church Fayre
There are few things more wholesome than a church fayre and it's also very refreshing to be in a place where things only cost 50p or £1.

28 June 2024: Milkhope Walk
I set off for a walk to Dinnington and decided to head up towards Milkhope afterwards. It was a really nice walk until the last path which was very overgrown and had me wishing I'd just walked along the side of the road.

27 June 2024: Snow Leopards
Northumberland Zoo was the destination today. My favourite animals there were these snow leopards and the capybaras.

26 June 2024: Clearance
We sorted out some stuff in the spare room, which meant that 4 years after moving in we finally unpacked the last box.

25 June 2024: Loops
I asked Mam for these earplugs, which have proven very useful for blocking out irritating background noise.

24 June 2024: Birthday Bubbles
I had a lovely birthday, chilling out and spending time with family, but didn't take many photos other than when playing with Skye's bubbles.

23 June 2024: Goat Yoga
My birthday present from Noirin was something I've wanted to try for ages - yoga with goats! It was the first time I'd done yoga and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Hanging out with the goats afterwards was super cool too.

22 June 2024: Pine Cones
During my walk today I sat for a few minutes and just enjoyed being in nature.

21 June 2024: Sally Vision
Sally has decided she likes sitting or pacing in front of the TV, which is making it increasingly difficult to see the Euros.

20 June 2024: Wall Writing
I have such a soft spot for random writing on a wall.

19 June 2024: Fried Chicken Sauce
Nothing will ever replace ketchup as my favourite, but this would be a strong contender if it was possible.

18 June 2024: Euro Aisle
Tesco has some Euro 2024 themed football decorations in the aisles.

17 June 2024: Lidl Shorts
Admittedly one of my worst fashion decisions in a while, but I was allowed to get them on the basis they are only to be worn as pyjamas.

16 June 2024: Dress Like Dad
If your Dad isn't here for Father's Day, it's simple.. just dress like him!

15 June 2024: Patio Table
I volunteered to be a strapping young family member and helped put Mam and Chris' new patio table together.

14 June 2024: Wireless Keyboard
I brought home a wireless keyboard and mouse which will make working from home much easier.

13 June 2024: Last Rebel
I'm unsure if this suggests that rebels get taxis, or rebels don't get taxis.

12 June 2024: Meat Thermometer
Our old one broke so we got this fancy one as a replacement.

11 June 2024: Euro Chart
Euro 2024 is starting soon so I shall be keeping track of the results using this wall chart, kindly provided by Mam!

10 June 2024: Cat Bum
There's nothing like waking up with a cat's bum in your face.

9 June 2024: Toe Socks
My new toe socks have arrived! Noirin and Emmett are disgusted by the thought of them but I like my toes being in their own compartments.

8 June 2024: Church
A church I'd never been to before today - St James's United Reformed Church.

7 June 2024: New Merch Day
The new Newcastle shirt was released today. I didn't buy one but I did go for a quick look at it.

6 June 2024: Sunny Bigg Market
The early morning sun really brings out the distinct aromas of the Bigg Market.

5 June 2024: BP Readings
I used the "pod" at the doctor's surgery to check my blood pressure.

4 June 2024: Grotty Bin
This bin at my bus stop is one of the grottiest I've seen in a while. It even has a lovely sludge at the bottom.

3 June 2024: Pineapple Shirt
It has been entirely too long since I've bought an item of clothing with a food theme.

2 June 2024: Bench
I went for a walk through Havannah Nature Reserve. I do really like rustic looking bench.

1 June 2024: Scary
When I saw this in the passenger seat of a van I did briefly think it was my own reflection.