2024: In Pictures


30 September 2024: Stew
I made a stew while working from home today and it wasn't long before we'd polished it off.

29 September 2024: 0/205
I don't know what this signifies but somehow I feel insulted on behalf of the pepsi max.

28 September 2024: Eshott Walk
Our walk today involved exploring abandoned buildings around an old airfield.

27 September 2024: Big Autumn Energy
Not something I feel blessed with today.

26 September 2024: Chocomel
I didn't want free chocolate milk but others evidently felt differently because these disappeared quickly.

25 September 2024: Pink Teddy
There's always a good selection of toys at the Wallsend meeting. This was my favourite today.

24 September 2024: Pedestrians
I thought this area was for bikes but apparently not.

23 September 2024: Snapped Basket
The handle on the washing basket finally snapped after threatening to do so for ages.

22 September 2024: Morpeth Tables
We had an early trip up to Morpeth to help Kat and Adrian set up the tables for their record fair.

21 September 2024: Slipknot
It seems wrong that a metal t-shirt is so cute.

20 September 2024: Upgrade
I upgraded to the iPhone 16 which meant the dreaded job of transferring everything from my old phone.

19 September 2024: Just Love
That is all.

18 September 2024: Edible Coal
I've been waiting for exactly the right mood to try this and it's bloody lovely.

17 September 2024: Bed Hair
I caught a glimpse of my hair and was slightly alarmed.

16 September 2024: Ice Lolly
I thought I didn't have any good snacks to eat while working from home today until I found this in the freezer.

15 September 2024: Santa Snack
This Santa lolly, in the middle of a field in Killingworth, is the most out of place snack I've seen for a while.

14 September 2024: New Hartley Wombles
This is definitely the cutest thing I've seen on a walk recently.

13 September 2024: ELDONSQ
Eldon Square was a hive of activity this morning as final preparations were made for the opening of the new Sephora store today.

12 September 2024: Bin Your Gum
This seems to be a common message to see round town lately. As someone who will always manage to step in gum, I support it.

11 September 2024: Postcard
This was in the book I read yesterday. I was hoping for a cool message on the back but sadly it was blank.

10 September 2024: Fifty Fifty
I took a day off work and did absolutely nothing other than read this entire book. It was total bliss!

9 September 2024: Cat Cuddles
Working from home means I get extra Sally cuddles in the morning.

8 September 2024: Buttons
My Saturday night was peak autism. I bought a pack of 1000 miscellaneous buttons and sorted them into colour categories.

7 September 2024: Ali & Holly
It's been ages since I joined Ali and Holly for a walk. Today we went through Holywell Dene, where Holly went in the water and proceeded to smell like a sewer during the car ride home.

6 September 2024: Submerged
More wall writing because it makes me feel deep and insightful when I take photos of such things.

5 September 2024: Mushroom
I used to go to Mushroom Bar in early adulthood and I don't remember anyone loving it then. Given that I don't think I've heard anyone mention the place in the last 10 years I can't imagine it's got a huge following. But I do love actual mushrooms.

4 September 2024: Stone Chinos
I wanted some stone chinos, so I bought some but then found some cheaper ones the next day. Now I have two pairs.

3 September 2024: Beach
I had a sunny day off work so went for a walk along to the coast at Blyth.

2 September 2024: DC Shoes
My treat to myself this month was a new pair of trainers.

1 September 2024: Pavlova
We went to the Snowy Owl for a family meal to celebrate Auntie Sue's birthday. This pavlova was both massive and incredible.